Climate Change Campaign
For this project, I developed a visual system with the aim of raising awareness about the impact of climate change on animals. Instead of relying on images or graphics, I used typography as the primary medium to convey the message. Specifically, I focused on the phenomenon of forced migration in animals, resulting from changes in their habitats due to climate change. To depict this phenomenon, I distorted the letters and elongated them to create a sense of movement and fluidity in the typography, which effectively captured the essence of the message.
At the beginning of the project, I delved into exploring various methods of visually representing movement using typography. I explored different techniques to impart a sense of direction, while also attempting to create an impression of being trapped with no other options. The idea behind this was to emulate the experience of animals who lose their natural habitat and find themselves with no other alternative but to seek refuge elsewhere. Through experimentation with typography, I aimed to create a visual representation of this feeling of being stuck without a clear path forward, while still conveying a sense of movement and direction.